Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10 Easy Sunnahs

Some Important and Easy Sunnahs to practice in our life

1) Entering the house

Enter with the right foot and say "Assalamu alaikum" to the inmates of the house. The prophet (SAS) used to be a cheerful mood when he was in the house and help in the household chores. So inshaAllah we try to put our stress of jobs outside and be cheerful inside the house.

2) Leaving the house

Recite the dua "Bismillahi tawakkaltu alalllah. laahaula wala quwwata illa billa"

3) Before Eating or drinking anything

say "Bismillah". eat or drink with the right hand. do not use the left hand for this purpose.

4) On Fridays

Take ghusl, apply perfume, use the miswak

5) Before sleeping

Perform wudu, recite Ayat-ul kursi, Recite last 3 Qul and blow over our body

6) Entering masjid

Read the dua, enter with the right foot. say 2 rakaat tahiyyatul masjid if it is a masjid. recite Durood

7) Leaving the masjid

Leave with the left foot.

8) After Wudu

Recite Shahadah, eight doors of jannah are opened for such a person.

9) Maintain personal hygiene

clip finger nails, remove hair of the armpits, remove pubic hair, trim the moustaches.

10) Restroom

Enter with the left foot and leave with the right foot, do not talk inside the restroom.

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